Problem with Hack Sliders - can anyone help me?
...and the problems just keep rolling in. LOL! If I didn't laugh about it, I'd only cry.
Whenever I put slider hacks for CAS into my Mods/Packages folder in the Sims 3 directory, afterwards, whenever I try and install some CC into it, it won't accept it and messes up. When I take the slider hack out, everything works perfectly fine.
I'm currently running just the base game, updated to version
If anyone is still running their game and using the ORIGINAL Delphy facial hack sliders, NOT the updated ones for version 1.8/WA 2.3, could you PLEASE PM me a copy of them, pretty please? Otherwise I'll have to keep uploading really dull, generic looking Sims from now on and I really don't want to do that. *sad face*
Any help AT ALL is very much appreciated-remember, I need the ORIGINAL Delphy facial hack sliders, NOT the updated ones. ^_^